A Purcell Anthology 

A Purcell Anthology

Bestel nummer: 9780193533516
Product: IMPORT PRODUCT. Vraag naar de actuele prijs en levertijd!
Auteur(s): Purcell, Henry
Arrangement: Wood, Bruce (ed)
Taal: 01-English
Bladmuziek: Vocal score
Copyright: Oxford University Press
Inhoud: Hear my prayer, O Lord; I was glad; Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei; Lord, how long wilt thou be angry?; Man that is born of a woman; O God, the King of Glory; O God, thou art my God; O sing unto the Lord; Rejoice in the Lord alway; Remember not, Lord,
An anthology of Purcell's most popular anthems, covering the whole range of full, verse, and symphony anthems. The collection consists of specially prepared performing editions, with fully realized organ parts and easily playable score reductions of the anthems with strings. String parts for O sing unto the Lord and Rejoice in the Lord Alway are available on hire.
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