A Tallis Anthology 

A Tallis Anthology

Bestel nummer: 9780193534100
Product: IMPORT PRODUCT. Vraag naar de actuele prijs en levertijd!
Auteur(s): Tallis, Thomas
Arrangement: Milsom, John (ed)
Taal: 01-English
Bladmuziek: Vocal score
Copyright: Oxford University Press
Inhoud: Audivi vocem de caelo; Derelinquit impius; Hear the voice and prayer; If ye love me; In ieiuino et fletu; In manus tuas; Laudate Dominum; Mihi autem nimis; O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit; O Lord, in thee is all my trust; O Nata lux; O sacrum convivium; O sa
An anthology of 17 of Tallis's shorter anthems, some familiar, some little known, but all freshly edited and revised. Includes practical performing editions (transposed where necessary, and with keyboard reductions) of 11 motets with Latin texts, 2 sacred partsongs, and 4 anthems with English texts, all with full critical apparatus.
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