Most glorious Lord of life 

Most glorious Lord of life

Bestel nummer: 9780193376465
Product: IMPORT PRODUCT. Vraag naar de actuele prijs en levertijd!
Auteur(s): Rutter, John
Taal: 01-English
Bladmuziek: Vocal score
Orkestratie te bestellen?: 2 tpt, hn, tbn, tba, timp (opt), org
Bijzonderheden: 5 minuten
Copyright: Oxford University Press
for SATB and organ or brass ensemble This Easter anthem is a triumphant setting of words by Edmund Spenser and St John Damascene, featuring joyful choral parts, and ending with a new harmonization of the Easter hymn tune 'Ellacombe', with optional congregational part. An accompaniment for brass, timpani, and organ is available on hire.
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