Come and Worship! 

Come and Worship!

Bestel nummer: 9780193432659
Product: IMPORT PRODUCT. Vraag naar de actuele prijs en levertijd!
Auteur(s): Bullard, Alan
Taal: 01-English
Bladmuziek: Vocal score
Bijzonderheden: 3 minuten
Copyright: Oxford University Press
for SATB and optional percussion (tambourine, small drum, hand-claps, or anything suitable) This lively setting of a traditional 19th-century English text (interspersed with a Latin refrain) recaptures the spirit of Bullard's earlier Angel Alleluias. With its straightforward harmony, snappy, syncopated rhythms, and optional use of basic percussion, this joyous carol would make a particularly rousing finale to any carol concert.
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