Evening Canticles from the First Service 

Evening Canticles from the First Service

Bestel nummer: 9780193953802
Product: IMPORT PRODUCT. Vraag naar de actuele prijs en levertijd!
Auteur(s): Parsons, Robert
Arrangement: Williamson, Magnus (ed)
Taal: 01-English
Bladmuziek: Vocal score
Album: Church Music Society publications
Bijzonderheden: 7 minuten
Copyright: Oxford University Press
Inhoud: Magnificat; Nunc dimittis
for SSAATTBB unaccompanied These splendid and musically rewarding settings, published under the series title Chapel Royal Canticles, have been largely neglected by publishers and performers. They were almost certainly used by William Byrd as models for his own Great Service, and are therefore of prime historical importance.
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