Come to the water

Come to the water

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Bestel nummer: ECC17.0865.01
Medium: Bladmuziek
Verschenen in magazine nr.: 28
Auteur(s): John B. Foley / Jack Schrader
Taal: 01-English
Thema: Algemeen
Stemmen: SATB
Geschikt voor: Gemengdkoor / Jongerenkoor
Moeilijkheidsgraad: moderately easy
Bladmuziek: Vocal, piano & rhythm
Stijl: Hymn
Copyright: 1978/2000 John B. Foley, S.J. and New Dawn Music. OCP Publications. For Europe: Small Stone Media BV, Holland.


Come and step in the oasis of His peace. Come and sit at the feet of Jesus and receive. He knows you, He knows what you need. In this world we live such rushed and busy lives and we don't see the needs of other people anymore. Jesus invites us to step into His peace and receive that which cannot be bought with money. General: All who seek, all who thirst, let them come to the water, come to the Lord. And let all who toil, all who are weary, all who labour without rest, and all the poor come to the water. Come and bring them all.

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