Here Jezus, kom toch tot mij

Here Jezus, kom toch tot mij

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Bestel nummer: ECC17.0333.02
Medium: Bladmuziek
Verschenen in magazine nr.: 12
Auteur(s): Margaret Becker / Keith Getty
Arrangement: Michael Lawrence
Vertaling door: Teo Hoogendijk
Taal: 02-Nederlands
Thema: Algemeen
Stemmen: SATB
Geschikt voor: Jongerenkoor & Gemengdkoor
Moeilijkheidsgraad: moderately
Bladmuziek: Vocal, piano & rhythm
Stijl: Ballad
Copyright: 2002 Modern M. Music/Thankyou Music For Benelux: Small Stone Media, Holland


A song by the well known Gospel singer Margaret Becker (and others) with characteristic Celtic influences. You can almost see the travelers on their journey through the wilderness, step by step approaching their final destination. A beautiful and heartfelt arrangement with a gripping musical story line. General: Jesus, draw me nearer to you on my earthly journey. Guide me, calm and strengthen my spirit. Mold me and make me into Your likeness.

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