Instruments of your peace (with "Peace")

Instruments of your peace (with "Peace")

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Bestel nummer: ECC17.0283.01
Medium: Bladmuziek
Verschenen in magazine nr.: 10
Auteur(s): Based on a prayer by St. Francis of Assisi / Kirk and Deby Dearman
Arrangement: Tom Fettke
Taal: 01-English
Thema: Algemeen
Stemmen: SATB a cappela
Geschikt voor: Gemengdkoor & Jongerenkoor
Moeilijkheidsgraad: moderately
Bladmuziek: Vocal, acapella
Stijl: Hymn
Copyright: 1993 Expressions of Praise Music/ Maranatha! Music. For Benelux: Small Stone Media, Holland


A prayer in music based on the words of St. Francis of Assisi in a arrangement by Tom Fettke. A song filled with peace and warmth; wonderfully expressive. This a cappella version has a wonderful choral setting so that lyrics and music really fit together. General - Make me an instrument of Your peace. No hatred, no walls of pride, prejudice, injury or striving.

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